Simplified, High Quality Scans for your Family Films
Scanning Options
Download Package
For this package we do all the work so you can immediately share your films with friends and family. We provide a simple, small, but high quality video file, playable on all types of computers, and ready to upload to video sharing sites such as youtube or vimeo. The files require no editing, color grading, exporting or compressing necessary.
Super 8/Regular 8mm - $0.70/ft
16mm - $0.40/ft
A Downloadable Link to your film
New Archival Cans, Reels & Leader
Editing Package
This package provides high quality archival copies of your footage for clients who have some basic familiarity with editing software such as iMovie or Adobe Premiere. We provide two files, a 2K LOG file “master copy” and smaller-sized color-corrected presentation file.
Super 8/Regular 8mm - $0.64/ft
16mm - $0.35/ft
Includes 2K Apple ProRes File, and with transfer to client-provided External Hard Drive
New Archival Cans, Reels and Leader
Unsure how much film you have? Call or Email us for a quote!
Why Our Process is Better.
If you’ve been researching how and where to digitize your vintage home movies, you might find our scanning service somewhat different from what you’re finding online. It’s important to ask a few questions of whoever is scanning your film to ensure high quality scans that are easy to handle, as well as the safety of your physical media.
Despite all of the digital options, your physical film reels are still the best and most stable archival storage format. Your film should be handled competently and with care. With a combined 25 years of experience, we are seasoned film preservationists. We inspect, clean and repair every film that we receive and return your original film in brand new archival cans and reels, keeping them safe from future deterioration.
Sprocketless Scanning
Many companies geared towards “home movies” use modified projectors or older telecine machines developed in the early 1990’s. These methods range in quality, but more importantly, the older, sprocket-driven hardware can damage fragile older film. As film ages, it shrinks, and that shrinkage can be a major problem on a system that uses sprockets to transport the film through the transfer machine.
Simplified On-line File Delivery
Converting your film directly to DVD, or, even worse, MiniDV or VHS is no longer a viable delivery format. DVDs scratch or break and fewer and fewer homes have access to DVD players. Instead we provide high-quality files uploaded to our on-line server or your hard drive to make the process of receiving and sharing your home movies with friends and family a simple process.