We are a NYC based motion-picture lab specializing in small gauge film. 


The classic user friendly film cartridge first released in 1965.

We process and scan all current and expired Super 8mm stocks.

Standard 16, Super 16mm, Ultra 16mm. Any stock new or old.

Processing and scanning for production, personal, or archival.

2K & 4K Digital Scanning

Our state-of-the-art 6.5K Lasergraphics Scanstation uses a sprocket-less transport that captures Standard 8mm, Super 8mm, and 16mm frame-by-frame. This gentle and safe mechanism paired with high precision optics has made it the industry standard for both professional film production and archival preservation of motion picture film.


As part of our mission, we provide opportunities for instruction in all aspects of 16mm and Super 8 filmmaking. We also offer workflow guidance and engage in creative collaborations. Much of our facilities and equipment are available for public use with a special focus on experimental darkroom processes, collaborative work, and an open dissemination of technical knowledge. Get in touch to learn more or schedule a visit.


Video Files to 16mm Film

Custom Optical Printing

Super 8mm Blow-Ups to 16mm

400ft Spooldown to 100ft Daylight Reels

A-Minima Spooldown (Reels provided by client)

Custom Darkroom Processes

(Tinting/Toning, Solarization, Bleach Etching, Stand Development etc.)


16mm Steenbeck Flatbed Editing Table

JK K107 Optical Printer

Bell & Howell 16mm Contact Printer

Oxberry 16mm Animation Stand

Darkroom (BW + Color)

Rewind Benches

(Tape and Cement Splicers, Split Reels, Viewers, Sync Blocks, etc.)