Expired Film Stock
Notes on All Expired Film
Since many of the expired rolls we receive are over 20 or even 40 years old, there's always the possibility that no image will come out. However, we're happy to say that more often than not we're able to salvage images from most of the rolls we process. Film that has been stored in a cool, dry place is much more likely to come out than film stored in a hot or warm place.
Expired Color Film
For all expired color film except Kodachrome (see below), you have the choice of processing as color or b/w negative. With black and white you have a much better chance of recovering an image. Developing long-expired films processed in color may yield accurate colors, but most will likely have some form of color shifting or fading. Some rolls will have no picture when developed as color but would have had images if they had been processed as B&W negative. Again, storage is a vital factor. If your film was stored in a hot or warm place for years, or if salvaging an image from these films is the most important factor and you want to play it safe, we highly suggest processing as B/W negative. If color is important to you and you’re willing to take risks, choose the color option. The older the film, the more risk you take processing in color.
The original color Kodachrome process (including Kodachrome 40 Type A and Kodachrome II) is unfortunately no longer available anywhere in the world. However, we are able to process any and all types of Kodachrome as Black and White Negative, allowing your images to be scanned and saved from the ravages of time. While results vary depending on how your film has been stored, Kodachrome as a whole has a fairly high chance of recovering an image and being able to be scanned.
Turnaround Time
We're usually able to process and scan your expired film in 5-7 business days, and even offer reasonable rush rates for same or next day processing. Please contact us for quotes and an accurate timeline.